var stageFrame = document.getElementsByName("stage")[0]; var stageFrameDoc = stageFrame.contentWindow.document; crmGrid = stageFrameDoc.all.crmGrid; crmGrid.all.divGridProps.children["sortColumns"].value = "statuscode:0;casetypecode:1"; crmGrid.Refresh()I spent some time trying to answer this question: And came up with the solution above.
Basically, it's implemented as this:
- First, get the document that holds the crmGrid;
- Then, access the divGridProps collection within it;
- Change the value for the "sortColumns" property to "<field name 1>:<sort type>[; <field name x>:<sort type>]" where: <field name> is the name of the sorted column <sort type> is 1 (descending) or 0 (ascending)
- Repeat the bracketed block as necessary, being sure to place a semicolon (;) between each field/sort pair.
UPDATE: You may have noticed that the code above references a mechanism for changing the sorting of the currently viewed CRM Grid from the main CRM window, but makes no mention of where to put the code. This is because I have not researched, or located, a way to load custom Javascript into the main CRM window. This code is proof-of-concept.